Ruger Reintroduces the Iconic Marlin Model 336 Lever Action Rifle in .30-30 Win

Marlin Model 336


Marlin Model 336. Sturm, Ruger & Company, Inc. is proud to announce the release of the Marlin Model 336 Classic.

According to Chris Killoy, president and CEO of Ruger, “the legendary Model 336 helped to build Marlin Firearms into the iconic American brand that it is today.” To make sure Ruger’s reintroduction of this iconic rifle lives up to its stellar reputation, “we have worked for many months on every detail.”

The Model 336 Classic, which is chambered in .30-30 Win., has an exquisitely polished American black walnut stock and forend. The rifle’s look and grip are enhanced by the stock and forend’s clear, precise checkering. The forend is connected to the stock by a barrel band, and the black pistol handle cap of the stock has a Marlin Horse and Rider medallion inset into it.

The six-round magazine on the alloy steel rifle has a normal size finger lever and is richly blued. Cold hammer forging increases durability and produces ultra-precise rifling for remarkable accuracy in the 20.25″ barrel. The trigger on this gun is gold, just like the traditional 336.

Killoy added, “Our priority remains quality. “We are still dedicated to producing tough, dependable firearms that can be proudly passed down for many years. This is also true of the Model 336.

The “Mayodan, NC” marking, “RM” or Ruger-Made serial number prefix, and red and white bullseye in the stock are all characteristics of the Ruger-made Model 336 Classic.

Throughout the upcoming year, additional models in various calibers and configurations will be introduced. Ruger advises retailers to check with their distributors for availability due to the expected high demand and the limited supply of Marlin lever-action rifles manufactured by the company. Ruger also cautions customers not to leave deposits with retailers who do not have verified shipments.

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Marlin Model 336 Specifications

Caliber: 30-30 Win
Capacity: 6+1
Stock: American Black Walnut
Finish: Satin Blued
Front Sight: Brass Bead with Hood
Rear Sight: Semi-Buckhorn
Weight:7.5 lb.
Overall Length: 38.625″
Length of Pull: 13.38″
Barrel Length: 20.25″
Barrel: Cold Hammer-Forged Alloy Steel
Twist1:12″ RH
MSRP: $1,239.00

You can order the Model 336 Classic here at at a cheaper price. We can ship to your preferred FFL dealer.

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